Sunday, December 9, 2018
So, this blog post is about a issue that I would want to represent in one of my upcoming projects. The issue i'm willing to focus on is how teens are being portrayed in the media. I oppose it and see it as a unrealistic source of who teens are in society today. Teens are often represented in a bad light, being portrayed as lazy and disobedient young adults that only care towards themselves. The media pushes this viewpoint to be able to express what it believes teens do and how they express themselves. From my viewpoint, I oppose on what the media displays and is nothing like what is being told and viewed.
There are many media aspects that depicts the images of teens. For example, one media show would be 16 And Pregnant. This show displays and gives viewers the image that teens are sexually active at young ages and are being active not protectively. Another example would be Glee, a show that represents how teens want to maintain and have a good social life rather than anything else. These representations don't show what teens actually go through or focus on. I believe that the media blows up on the negative side of what teens do rather than seeing the positive aspects of a teen. Teen live's doesn't always consist of drugs and intercourse, but since the media depicts this image, everyone else sees teens as reckless young adults.
With this type of representation, the media does not allow teens to show who they truly are. These shows and films characterize teens very negatively but don't go into detail about what teens actually struggle with. These viewpoints don't give teens a fair chance to speak about themselves. This is a point in life that teens take advantage to and realize the responsibilities and changes into adulthood. High school students (mostly juniors and seniors) are preparing for their future and advanced education rather than drugs and social life etc. Media represents teens in stereotypes that are unrealistic rather than showing the more correct image of a teen.
Comedy Genre
As you guys get to know me more , you"ll realize that humor content or anything that will make me laugh is amazing content. For my next research on a genre, I'm going to be focusing on Comedy. This genre has multiple techniques and ways to target their audience and maintain them engaged by using comedic techniques. A movie that would give me a good laugh is a movie worth watching.
A film that uses humor as a driving force to obtain audience amusement. This genre can contain serious matter/problems within the story line, but has characters and stories to give comedic relief to the film.
The comedy genre uses techniques to keep audience to laugh themselves out of their seats. Here are some techniques used:
-The wait for it shot
used when a joke is being developed and the camera stays still causing a delay in the scene. Performed when a joke is added for comedic relief.
used for when the audience to expect one thing , but another thing occurs.
-Physical humor
used when a character uses his/her body to make the audience laugh.
Sub Genres
- Anarchic comedy
- Action comedy
- Black comedy
- Horror comedy
- Dramedy
- Parody/Spoof
- Romantic comedy
- slapstick

Crazy Rich Asians by Jon M Chu falls into a sub genre of comedy. This film focuses on the drama - comedy aspect and fulfills it throughout the whole production. Crazy Rich Asians fill into comedy by having the main characters go through obstacles and difficulties but having humor within it.

Groundhog Day by Harold Ramis fits into the comedy genre by having Bill Murray reliving the same day over and over again. This has the comedic elements by mainly focusing on the serious problem the main character is facing but adds the humor necessary to the film.
More Examples
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Action Genre
Who doesn't like to watch action movies? The adrenaline and excitement action production provide is so exciting. My favorite genre is clearly action, all the great shots and explosions just make me jump out of my seat. For my final portfolio assignment of making an introduction to a film , I'm already looking into how I can make an opening that would have the viewers so engaged and excited from all the action shots and techniques that the film opening will have.
But that's not important right now. What's important right now is background information about the action genre.
Action has many components to it, from character fights to jumping out of helicopters. This genre consist of physical action used to be able to develop and tell the story. It must have a variety of continous motions and action (obviously) to be in the action genre. A main point, other than all the cool stunts, is the story has a protagonist who he/she needs to reach a goal but has many obstacles and difficulties to surpass before achieving their goal.
All viewers want to see is all the stunts and fights in action films, but don't realize the details and techniques used to create such intense production. Some techniques used are:
- Contrast
used to add intensity and add edgyness
-Tight shots
Used to create intense visuals and bring emotions and feelings to scenes. Dramatic up-close action shots are used to intensify the action and show more of what is happening closer in the scene.
adding speed to the film and moving quick throughout the film adds more intensity and having viewers be more engaged.
adding speed to the film and moving quick throughout the film adds more intensity and having viewers be more engaged.
Target audience is a must for all films. Production companies need to focus on what type of audience is appropriate for their films and who the film will appeal to. Well, action films focus on targeting an audience from the ages of 15-40. They focus in between these ages for the sake of adrenaline, these ages are for teens and adults who enjoy adrenaline and the hype action films will present.
Taken By: Luc Besson
A film that greatly correlates with the action genre because of all the fights and stunts including the amount of intensity the film has to offer. The way the movie moves along quickly and consistently has action within it.
Tranformers By: Michael Bay
A sub genre of action by adding science fiction is another representation of the action genre. Having space vehicles with abilities to defend earth from outside enemies creates a lot of room for action and intensity. With the constant amount of action flowing throughout the film makes it a perfect fit for action.
More examples of Action films:
My name is Jonathan Vivas but my friends call me Jonny. This is my blog that I have to do for Aice Media Studies AS. Since this is my first time making a blog, the instruction given to me were to be myself and type as if I was talking with my friends. Well since you guys are viewing my blog , welcome !! These are three little things you HAVE to know about me
-17 years old
- I play varsity baseball for Cypress Bay
- Currently a senior
Aice media studies is a class I was interested in because I thought I was able to watch movies. Turns out I was completely wrong. But, on the brightside I’ve learned so much and I’m able to analyze and have a better understanding of films and productions. It’s only the beginning of the year and i’m still excited to see what else Aice Media has to offer.
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